University Housing Florida State University
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Special Interest Housing

Housing staff is available to speak with students who have specific housing concerns that may not be reflected in the standard housing contract. We are committed to providing a safe and productive living environment for all students. Resources for students with specific needs are below.

Living–Learning Communities

While each learning community is unique, they all share a basic emphasis on academics. The residents of each learning community, most of whom are first–year students, live in the same residence hall and participate in an academic component that brings them together as a community. Several programs have a weekly colloquium course, for example, and several offer additional courses that apply toward the bachelor’s degree. Learning communities introduce participants to all the "value added" opportunities and experiences this major research university has to offer, including immediate interaction with some of FSU's most distinguished faculty members. Participating in a learning community helps residents build on the high level of motivation that they bring to college, and the outcome is that a higher proportion of learning community participants stay at Florida State University and graduate on time.

Find out more about Living–Learning Communities

University Honors Program Housing

Landis Hall residential community provides special activities and a supportive environment for the highly–motivated students in the University Honors Program. Residents often form study groups with other Honors students, and they organize shared social activities throughout the school year. The hall's central locations is also convenient for classes, labs, dining, and the library.

Find out more about Honors Housing

Disability/Medical Accommodations

Florida State University (FSU) provides housing accommodations for students with a documented qualifying medical, physical or psychological disability on a case-by-case basis. To be considered for a housing accommodation, please follow the deadlines and instructions for submitting documentation on the Office of Accessibility Services website (OAS) here.

Additional Resources

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Division of Student Affairs at Florida State University


University Housing Department
part of the Division of Student Affairs
109 Askew Student Life Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Hours: M - F  9 a.m. - 4 p.m.