University Housing Florida State University
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Student Leadership & Involvement

Student Leadership & Involvement

Photo of students at Homecoming parade In University Housing, we recognize that community involvement supports students' personal and academic success in college. Here are some great opportunities to connect with residents, develop your leadership, and enrich life in the residence halls.

Photo of IRHC

It is the mission of the Inter-Residence Hall Council, as a bureau of SGA and affiliate of University Housing, to create a sense of community among residential students at FSU. Through hall councils, IRHC creates quality and efficient programming for students living on campus and develops a seamless campus experience. IRHC also represents residential students to the campus and Tallahassee community, as well as to state, regional, and national conferences. In this way, IRHC provides leadership, advocacy, and community development to residential students.

The list of Hall Council positions and their duties are as follows:


  • Meets with the Hall Council advisor regularly
  • Attends scheduled Presidents’ Roundtable meetings (1 meeting per month)
  • Responsible for the End-of-the-Month reports
  • Votes in case of a tie
  • Delegates responsibilities to Hall Council members
  • Prepares an agenda and preside over Hall Council meetings
  • Oversee residents who serve as volunteers or floor-reps
  • Attend at least one Board of Directors (BOD) meeting per month

Vice President(s):

  • Assume the duties of the President in their absence
  • Represent their Hall Council in IRHC Board of Directors meetings on Monday nights each week
  • Serve as a liaison between the IRHC Executive Board and their respective Hall Councils
  • Responsible for the collection of residential data via various platforms, including advocacy requests
  • Serve as a voting member of Hall Council
  • Fulfill other duties as specified by the President
  • Oversee the retention and duties of the floor representatives


  • Takes minutes of all official meetings of Hall Council and distributes them to Hall Council Officers in a timely fashion
  • Keeps an accurate attendance record of all Hall Council functions
  • Publicizes Hall Council events, in conjunction with the Historian
  • Serves as a voting member of Hall Council
  • Fulfill other duties as specified by the President


  • Creates the budget and presents it to Hall council
  • Emails a copy of budget to ADF
  • Gives monthly budget presentation to the Hall Council/advisors
  • Handles reimbursement process for Hall Council members
  • Maintains record of supplies and inventory in equipment for check out
  • Meets with Head Staff (Advisor) as required
  • Serve as a voting member of Hall Council
  • Fulfill other duties as specified by the President


  • Keeps a photographic record of all events put on by their Hall Council
  • Documents events and achievements in hall scrapbook every semester
  • Coordinates marketing strategies for all events and hall happenings
  • Serves as a voting member of Hall Council
  • Fulfill other duties as specified by the President

Equity and Inclusion Rep:

  • Coordinate equity and inclusion education projects and programs with their Hall Council.
  • Work with other Hall Council members to ensure social justice in Hall events
  • Chair the Hall Council’s Advocacy/Social Justice Committee, if and when established
  • Ensure the hall council is aligned with the Respect learning goal of the Residential Curriculum
  • Attend EI Roundtable, if and when established
  • Serve as a voting member of Hall Council
  • Fulfill other duties as specified by the President

More information about positional duties and the organization can be found within our by-laws

In order to be eligible for a position as a Hall Council Officer, students must:

  • Have a 2.5 or higher GPA (no GPA necessary if they are holding a position in their first semester at FSU, but they must have a 2.5 or higher – or whatever GPA is required by their LLC, if applicable - after their first semester).
  • Be a registered FSU student with a minimum of 9 registered undergraduate or 6 graduate hours.
  • Be in good judicial standing, which is defined as not being under conduct or disciplinary probation at the time of election or while in office.
  • Live in the on-campus residence hall they are elected to represent during their term of office.
  • If running for Vice President, MUST be available Monday nights from 8:30pm-10:00pm for Board of Directors Meetings

Additionally, you can join a hall council as a floor representative at any point in the year. The maximum number of floor representatives per council is dependent on the number of hall council members. A floor representative is a volunteer who works alongside the hall council on event planning and fulfilling other duties as needed. This is a great position for those who want to be involved but cannot commit entirely to the hall council, or those who did not get elected to their desired position. If you are interested in becoming a floor representative for your respective hall council, please email: with your inquiry.

Follow @irhcfsu on Instagram to stay up to date with our events and see what we are about!

The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) represents the top 1% of student leaders living on campus at Florida State University. With affiliated chapters all over the nation, our goal is to gather excellent student leaders in efforts to better the University Housing community. Being a member of our Garnet and Gold Chapter will enhance your professionalism, leadership skills, community service participation, and recognition of others while increasing your network of like-minded peers across campus. Follow us on Instagram, @fsunrhh to learn more!

Find out more about National Residence Hall Honorary

The Residential Conduct Board is a group of on-campus students trained to hold informal hearings involving violations of the Florida State University Student Conduct Code and Guide to Residence Living. The Conduct Board actively upholds University Housing policies to maintain a safe and responsible campus community. The Residential Conduct Board provides a unique opportunity for students to serve the community by promoting civility and accountability within the residence halls. This is a great leadership opportunity for those residential students interested in pursuing a career in law or government.

Find out more about the Residential Conduct Board


Katelyn Bittinger

No Photo Program Coordinator for Student Leadership
Tel: (850) 645-0956
Fax: (850) 644-7997

Esa Petersen

Photo of Esa Assistant Coordinator for Leadership Programs

Other Involvement Opportunities

Student Organizations and Involvement

Student Activities Center The Office of Student Organizations and Involvement at Florida State University is more than just a place. The Office of Student Organizations and Involvement serves as a guide for Florida State students in molding and creating their FSU experience.

The Office of Student Organizations and Involvement believes that student involvement outside of the classroom contributes to important learning gains and a well rounded college experience that prepares students for life after graduation.

Find out more about the Office of Student Organizations and Involvement

Nole Central

Nole Central Florida State University has over 600 Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) on campus. Find out more about the different student organizations and how to get involved on Nole Central.

Find out more about Nole Central

Division of Student Affairs

Division of Student Affairs The Division of Student Affairs collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to create welcoming, supportive and challenging environments that maximize opportunities for student learning and success. Through high quality programs and services, the Division staff facilitates student development, celebrates differences, and promotes civic and global responsibility.

Find out more about the Division of Student Affairs

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Division of Student Affairs at Florida State University


University Housing Department
part of the Division of Student Affairs
109 Askew Student Life Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Hours: M - F  9 a.m. - 4 p.m.