University Housing Florida State University
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Room Assignments

Fall/Spring Room Assignments

Students who complete a housing contract, pay an Admissions deposit and complete registration for orientation by the published dates, will receive more information about housing assignments in early July. Rooms will be allocated in contract number order based on the preferences provided by the student. Remember that if you mutually select a roommate on your housing contract, you and your roommate will receive an assignment at the later/higher of your two contract numbers. Assignment in a building and/or room type that is not your preference is not grounds for cancellation/termination of this contract.

Rental rates vary by room type. Our rental rate chart is available on our website.

Your Room Assignment


You will list preferences on your housing portal. Housing staff will assign you to your room. Most students should expect to be assigned to a shared bedroom space that shares a bathroom with an adjoining room. Your assignment information will be available on the housing portal in mid-June for Summer B, and early July for Fall/Spring. We have many types of buildings, room types, and programs. You are encouraged to research options and call us with questions. When you select preferences, you will be asked to rank several different room types.

Special Considerations:

  • Landis Hall is only available for students that have been admitted to the FSU Honors Program. Students in the Honors program will also have priority for spaces in Jennie Murphree hall.
  • A separate Living-Learning Community (LLC) application is required for the LLC programs in these buildings:
    • Azalea, Bryan, Cawthon, Deviney, Dorman, Magnolia, Reynolds, and Wildwood Halls house LLCs on 1-2 floors. The remaining spaces in these buildings are for residents who are not participating in an LLC.
  • If you have the Florida Prepaid Housing Plan, it will pay, in full, the rent for a suite-style double room with shared bathroom. If you have an assignment in a room type that is more expensive than what Florida Prepaid will cover, you will be responsible for the difference.


Azalea, Deviney, Dorman, Magnolia- These 4 halls are very similar and located in close proximity to each other.

Historic Halls- (Broward, Bryan, Cawthon, Gilchrist, Jennie Murphree, Reynolds). These six halls are very similar and located close to each other. Honors students will have priority for Jennie Murphree, non-honors students will be assigned there on a space-available basis.

Honors Halls- Landis and Jennie Murphree halls. Students in the Honors program are given priority for these halls. Spaces in Landis will be filled first, and spaces in Jennie Murphree will be used after Landis is fully assigned. Non-Honors roommate requests can only be considered for Jennie Murphree, if space is available.


Ragans- very few first-year student spaces



Click here for more information about our residence halls .

Room Types

Each residence hall may contain several room types. These are the most common room types available for new incoming students:

McCollum Townhouse

Townhouse with two double bedrooms. Two students are assigned to each bedroom, for a total of four students in the apartment. Each apartment has a full kitchen, one bathroom, and a shared living room area.

Salley Suite Double with Shared Bath

Two people are assigned to a bedroom that shares a common room and bathroom with another double room. The bathroom and common rooms are contained within the suite.

View the sample room layout on the Salley Hall building page.

Suite Double with Shared Bath

This is our most common room type. Two people are assigned to the room. The bathroom is shared with a single, double, or triple room next door.

Suite Triple with Shared Bath Three people are assigned to the room. The rooms are larger than double rooms and are fully equipped for three students. The bathroom is shared with a single or double room next door. There are a very limited number of these rooms.
Suite Double with Private Bath Two people are assigned to the room. The room has a private bathroom. There are a very limited number of these rooms.
Suite Triple with Private Bath Three people are assigned to the room. The rooms are larger than double rooms and are fully equipped for three students. The room has a private bathroom. There are a very limited number of these rooms.
Suite Quad with Private Bath Four people are assigned to the room. The rooms are extremely large and are fully equipped for four students. The room has a private bathroom. There are a very limited number of these rooms.

Roommate Requests

Students should complete their Fall/Spring housing contract as soon as possible. Students with completed contracts will be able to submit a roommate request on the housing portal during the dates listed, typically early March through mid-April provided that both students have submitted a housing contract. If you mutually request a roommate, your roommate pair will be assigned a room based on the higher/later of your two contract numbers.

Overflow Housing

University Housing is committed to providing as many students as possible with the out-of-the-classroom learning and life-enriching experiences that come from living in student housing. As more students choose to attend FSU, the demand for student housing continues to increase. Due to the continued popularity of living on campus with both returning students and the incoming class, not every student can be assigned to a standard residence hall space immediately.

To house as many students as possible, University Housing has arranged for alternative spaces referred to as overflow housing spaces. Based on the number of standard spaces available and the date of receipt of your signed housing contract, you may be assigned to a space in overflow housing for the start of the semester.

University Housing has extensive experience with overflow housing, and steps have been taken to ensure that you will experience the same benefits of living in a residence hall as those who have been assigned to standard spaces.

What type of room will I be assigned to?

University Housing has converted study rooms/lounges and other common areas to provide additional space to house students. These spaces have been equipped with furnishings similar to those in regular residential rooms; each resident will have a bunk bed and a hanging rack for clothes. In addition, a refrigerator/freezer and internet access will be provided. Most important, the residential life activities and support will be available to students in these spaces, just as they are to students in regular spaces.

When will I be reassigned to a permanent space?

As soon as a standard residential space becomes available, you will be assigned to a permanent living space on campus based on your priority number and contract submission date. We aim to reassign all students in overflow housing within the first few weeks of the semester, as cancellations are received. However, if we are unable to move all students out of these spaces, some may be converted to permanent spaces for the remainder of the semester. The occupancy of these converted rooms is similar to standard rooms of the same size. If an overflow room is converted to a permanent space, the hanging rack is replaced with an armoire, a desk and desk chair for each resident is placed in the room, and the bed may be replaced.

What is the cost for overflow housing?

Rent for overflow housing is originally billed at the rental rate for a suite double. This allows students assigned to overflow to have a better sense of what their rental rate may be, especially since most students assigned to overflow housing will be reassigned before hall opening.

Students that are still assigned to overflow housing at hall opening will have their rent reduced to $15/day for each day they were assigned to overflow housing. Their rent for the remainder of the semester will be prorated based on the daily rate for their new room. This may result in a small refund after the student is reassigned if student's rent is paid in full before being reassigned.

Interested in Changing Rooms?

When room assignments are made, residents are assigned to the room assignment that is as close to their preferences as possible based on their housing contract number. After students are assigned, they may request a reassignment.

The reassignment request website will open approximately one week after room assignments are released. Students that are assigned to permanent (not overflow) spaces may submit a reassignment request. If a vacancy occurs, University Housing staff will review reassignment requests on file in contract number order, from those with matching hall and room type preferences.

General Information

  • Reassignments cannot be guaranteed.
  • Reassignment requests will remain on file for the entire term and will be processed as openings occur.
  • Students that are reassigned will be responsible for any difference in rent between the old and new space. Click here for rental rates chart.
  • Students seeking reassignment in order to request an accommodation for a medical/physical condition must provide documentation. Click here to learn about accommodations and required documentation.
  • Residents may not move to a new room or hall without written permission from the University Housing office or their building's hall coordinator or assistant coordinator.
  • Reassignments will not be processed during the first three weeks after the halls open.

Reassignment Request Types

Prior to Hall Opening

After Hall Opening

Mutual Swap

Prior to hall opening, students requesting to change rooms with another student within the same hall, if they are assigned to the same room type, can submit their request via email to Both students agreeing to change rooms will need to submit the request before any reassignment can be processed. Room change requests within the same hall and room type will be processed once the two students agreeing to change rooms have submitted their request as outlined below. Requests will remain on file until both students requesting to change rooms have submitted their request, or until approximately one week prior to the official hall opening date for the requested term.

Limitations: Requests to swap may be denied if any of the following are true:

  • One student is a Returning Resident and one is an Incoming student
  • One student is part of an LLC and the other is not part of that same LLC
  • If one student has an approved accommodation preventing the swap
  • If one student has opted into a specialty housing program that the other student is not also participating in

How to Submit a Mutual Swap Request

  1. Send an email from your FSU email account to This email should include the following information:
    1. Your full name
    2. Your current assignment: hall and room number
    3. The full name of the person you want to switch places with
    4. That student’s hall and room number
  2. The person you are requesting to swap with must also submit a matching request.

What's Next

  1. If two matching requests are submitted and approved, both students will be reassigned to each other's rooms.
  2. Students will be notified via email that they have been moved.

What a Mutual Request is Not

A mutual swap is not the way that two students that want to be roommates indicate their request to room together. If two students want to be roommates and neither of their roommates are interested in moving, the students must submit a regular reassignment request. In this case, University Housing will only be able to assist if 2 vacancies occur in a room together and both students that want to be roommates: 1) have the best/lowest contract numbers for that vacancy, and 2) both students requested the building and room type that match the vacancies.

Re–assignment Request

Please follow the instructions below to submit a reassignment request unless you are trying to swap rooms with another student in a specific room or, after halls open, if you would like to change to a different room (excluding single rooms) within the same building.

How to Submit a Request

  1. Click here to access the myHousing portal.
  2. Click on Reassignment Request link.
  3. Read the important information on the first page about how to submit the request and the reassignment process.
  4. On the 2nd page of the request, you will decide:
    1. To make your request Active (to indicate your desire to be reassigned) or Inactive (to remove yourself from reassignment consideration/cancel your reassignment request)
    2. Which of the 3 request types you'd like to submit.
    3. List 'yes' or 'no' to each of the available halls and room types to indicate to which of these you are interested in being reassigned.
    4. Save Changes at the bottom.
  5. If you are requesting to be moved with a specific roommate (very difficult to do), you will then go to the 3rd page of the request and list that specific student using their last name and date of birth
  6. Save changes at the bottom

What's Next?

Before Halls Open

  1. If a vacancy occurs, University Housing staff will review reassignment requests on file in contract number order. The student with the best/lowest contract number that has a matching hall and room type preference will be selected.
  2. Student will be reassigned to the new room.
  3. Student will be notified via FSU email that they have been moved.
  4. Within 1–2 weeks, student's rent will be adjusted.

If you no longer wish to be reassigned, you must cancel their request before a reassignment is made, as reassignments are completed before the halls open without students accepting the room change. You are NOT able to later cancel/decline your reassignment, as a new student will already have been assigned to the previous room. You can cancel your request by logging into your myHousing portal, and making your Reassignment Request "Inactive".

After Halls Open

  1. If a vacancy occurs, University Housing staff will review reassignment requests on file in contract number order. The student with the best/lowest contract number that has a matching hall and room type preference will be selected.
  2. Student will be offered vacancy via their FSU email. Student has 1 full business day to accept reassignment.
  3. If student accepts reassignment, student will be reassigned to the new room.
  4. Student will be notified via email that they have been moved. Student then has 48 hours to complete the move to the new space.
  5. Within 1–2 weeks, student's rent will be adjusted.

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Division of Student Affairs at Florida State University


University Housing Department
part of the Division of Student Affairs
109 Askew Student Life Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Hours: M - F  9 a.m. - 4 p.m.