University Housing Florida State University
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Contract Terms & Conditions

Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Housing Contract

The purpose of this document is to establish a mutual contract between each housing student and the Florida State University Board of Trustees, a public body corporate of the State of Florida, acting for and on behalf of Florida State University and its University Housing, with regard to living in University Housing Facilities.


  1. Residents of University Housing facilities must be degree-seeking students registered for classes at Florida State University for each semester of occupancy. Any exceptions must be granted on an individual basis and based on documented academic circumstances. Students wishing to cancel this contract due to non-enrollment will be responsible for financial charges as outlined in Section III below.
  2. The student acknowledges that the University does not require any student to submit a housing contract. This contract, whether submitted electronically or in paper form, with required advance payment, is effective from the University's receipt of the contract until the end of the spring semester of the academic year. If the student enrolls or re-enrolls at the University after providing notice that the student will not be attending for a specific semester, the contract obligation may be reinstated for the remainder of the contract period, at the sole discretion of the University. The student must vacate the residence hall within 24 hours of withdrawal, release, or termination of the contract during a given semester. To properly vacate the space, the student must remove all personal belongings, have staff inspect the room, and return the key at the conclusion of the room inspection. The student must leave the space in a clean and orderly condition, which includes the removal of all trash. The date noted in staff records at the conclusion of the room inspection is used to indicate the official check-out date. The student is responsible for scheduling and attending the room inspection appointment.
  3. The University's receipt of this contract does not guarantee assignment to a particular type of space (building or room type), nor does it determine final admission to the University. Priority for assignments will be granted according to the following hierarchy, provided all admissions and orientation deadlines are met:
    1. For incoming/newly admitted students arriving on campus for the first time in either Summer, Fall or Spring, the date and time of contract submission is used to establish priority for receiving on–campus housing and assignment to preferred buildings and room types.
      1. Contracts submitted in the first several days of the new student fall/spring contract process will be entered into a random lottery for housing priority.
    2. For returning students who lived in University Housing during the Spring 2024 semester, the number of completed credit hours on file with the University when Housing staff assign room selection times is used to establish those room selection times. Some spaces may be reserved for lower credit room selection times. If University Housing determines that the number of returning students exceeds available space, class standing will be used as a consideration in establishing priority for remaining spaces.
    3. For individuals who did not live in University Housing but were matriculated and enrolled during the Spring 2024 semester, a waitlist request can be submitted, and housing will be offered on a space available basis no earlier than April 1st, 2024.
  4. Semester room rent covers occupancy from the date and time designated for official opening until the date and time designated for official closing of the residence halls for each semester. Residence hall closings will follow the last scheduled examination for each semester.
    1. Official residence hall opening and closing dates will be published on the University Housing website. The student agrees to access this information and strictly abide by it.
  5. Room rent does not cover occupancy during any vacation period or between semesters (winter and spring breaks). University Housing reserves the right to provide housing during break periods in specific buildings on a limited, centralized basis and for an additional charge.
    1. Apartment-style halls are open during vacation periods for students who will continue to be assigned in the same space for both terms. Suite-style halls are closed during vacation periods.
  6. Under this contract, the student is entitled to the privacy of his or her assigned room, (except as stated in II G or as otherwise provided by law), the use of public facilities of the residence hall, and the services rendered in order to pursue his/her educational goals.
  7. The University provides housing accommodations for students with a documented qualifying medical, physical or psychological disability. To be considered for a housing accommodation due to a disability or disabling condition, students must make a request through the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS), and follow the deadlines and instructions for submitting documentation on the OAS website. Students who receive an OAS recommendation for a housing accommodation after the priority deadline will be prioritized for the next available space meeting that accommodation, but University Housing cannot provide a guarantee of availability. Once accommodations are approved, they remain on file with University Housing for the duration of the student’s residence on-campus.
    1. Emotional Support Animal (ESA) requests are reviewed through OAS. All OAS deadlines for accommodations apply to ESA requests. Requests made and approved before residence hall opening may be approved to begin at the start of that term. Requests made after residence hall opening will be reviewed to begin at the start of the next term for which the student is contracted to live on campus.


  1. Students may reside only in the rooms to which they are assigned, and students may not sublet rooms to another person. Room transfers may occur only upon written approval from the University Housing office or the building's hall coordinator. A guest may not stay in University Housing facilities for more than three (3) days during a 30–day period.
  2. Students are responsible for care of rooms and equipment. The University performs routine, periodic and preventative maintenance and custodial services. The University may also provide periodic suite bathroom cleaning, subject to staff availability and other conditions. Charges may be made for damages to, unauthorized use of, or alterations to, rooms, equipment, or buildings, as well as for special cleaning necessitated by improper care of rooms or equipment. Students are jointly responsible for care of public areas and equipment. "Public areas" are defined as those areas available for use by all students living on a wing, a floor or within a hall. Charges for damages to public areas and equipment may be made to all students assigned to separate wings, floors or within entire halls as deemed appropriate by University Housing.
  3. Students are responsible for knowing and following University regulations and procedures as set forth in official University publications including the Student Conduct Code and the Guide to Residence Living. The University reserves the right to make other rules and regulations that in its judgment may be necessary for the safety, care and cleanliness of the premises and for the preservation of order. The student agrees to abide by all additional rules and regulations that are adopted.
  4. The University is not liable for damage or loss of personal property, failure or interruption of utilities, or unforeseen accidents/injuries. Students are strongly encouraged to secure their own personal property loss insurance.
  5. Resident acknowledges that all main campus housing facilities are located in Florida, which has a climate conducive to the growth of mold and mildew, and that it is necessary to provide proper ventilation and humidification of rooms to retard or prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Resident agrees to be responsible for properly ventilating and dehumidifying the room and the contents to retard and prevent mold and mildew, and that the University shall not be responsible for damage to the room or the personal property of the resident for damages caused by mold and mildew. Residents are responsible for knowing and following recommended procedures as set forth in the Guide to Residence Living related to mildew and mold prevention and removal.
  6. Due to the communal nature of residence hall living, University Housing cannot guarantee that any housing space will be free of nuts, gluten, fragrances or other allergens and cannot prevent cross contamination within rooms or common spaces.
  7. Authorized University personnel may enter student rooms for normal inspection, and maintenance and custodial purposes as outlined. The student's personal property is not subject to search without express approval of the student except when a reasonable belief exists that the room is being used for a purpose which is illegal, or which would otherwise seriously interfere with discipline and/or personal safety.
  8. Room assignments may at any time be administratively changed, modified, canceled or terminated by the University in the interests of order, health, discipline, maximum utilization of facilities or disaster after notice to the student as is practical. Disregard for the rights, responsibilities and duties of others, as well as the creation of circumstances which could jeopardize life, limb, or property, are conditions which are not acceptable in University Housing and may be cause for administrative termination of the Housing Contract.
    1. The University reserves the right to change room or hall assignments and/or consolidate vacancies by requiring residents to move from one room to another in the event such reassignments are determined to be necessary. If consolidation is required once the term has begun, University Housing will provide advance notice of a required move as is practical.
    2. The University reserves the right to assign a new resident to a vacancy that may occur in the residence halls at any time. No prior notice of a new roommate to the residents sharing that residence hall space is required. The student(s) who remain in a room or apartment with a vacancy agrees to maintain the vacant space in move-in condition as determined by the University in anticipation of the arrival of a new roommate. A fully open space, which includes but is not limited to a bed, desk, dresser, desk chair, and appropriate shared space, must remain clear of any belongings. There is no right on the part of the remaining residents to refuse to accept a new roommate.
    3. Room change process – All room change requests must be submitted, and are processed, according to published timelines and processes. If a reassignment is offered, no information about any existing student in a space can be provided for privacy reasons. If the request is motivated by personal differences or conflict with a roommate, the student is responsible to make a good faith effort to resolve the differences before making a request for a room change. The residence life staff is available to assist with conflict resolution and mediation.
  9. I. Students may not possess dangerous or prohibited items as noted in the Guide to Residence Living, the Student Conduct Code, as well as by Florida Law.
  10. Visitation shall be in accordance with Florida State University policy.
  11. In keeping with the policies of the University, all rooms are assigned without regard to race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veterans’ or marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other protected group status. Roommate assignment requests based on romantic involvement with the potential roommate will not be considered. University Housing makes the following provisions with regards to room assignments: accommodations are made for students with disabilities, and married couples are not permitted to live together in University Housing facilities.
  12. In support of the mission of University Housing, the intended use of the residence hall space is for the students assigned to sleep, study and foster their academic success. Residence halls are not designed or intended to be appropriate spaces for businesses, and do not provide an environment conducive to remote work, or online presence. The rights of a resident using the space for residential purposes cannot be superseded by one wishing to use the space for work/remote work. Students may not cause interference with another student’s rights, comfort and safety while they are in the room or residence hall. Solicitation is not permitted in the residence halls.
  13. All official communication is sent to the student's FSU email account. The student agrees to be responsible for all communication received from the University sent to this account.
  14. Animals are prohibited in all residence hall facilities, with the exception of approved emotional support animals, service animals, and fish kept as pets in a 10–gallon or smaller aquarium. Prior to any animal living in the building, the student is responsible for completing all steps required for approval.



  1. Residence hall room rates are outlined on the University Housing website. Room rates may be changed after 30 days notice to the assignee in the event of unanticipated circumstances beyond the control of the University, including increased utility rates.
  2. The Florida Prepaid Dormitory Plan benefit will pay the cost of a double–occupancy apartment, or suite–style double room with shared bath. Students assigned to a higher–priced room are responsible for paying any cost differences, as well as any charges, prorations, or other costs pursuant to the terms and conditions of the residence hall contract.
    1. Upon submission of this contract, the prepayment will immediately be considered complete for students who are a beneficiary of a Florida Prepaid Dormitory plan. If the student does not wish Florida Prepaid to be billed for this prepayment, it is the student’s responsibility to notify University Housing in writing within 7 calendar days of the original contract submission date to


This contract creates a financial obligation for the academic year. Rent is charged and billed by semester.

  1. All contracts require an advance payment to complete the housing application process for the initial semester of occupancy. If the student is under age 18, a parent/guardian signature is also required. All balance rent payments will be invoiced after a room assignment is made and are due on or before the second (2nd) Friday of the semester. Payments received after this date are subject to a $50 late fee.
  2. According to Florida Statute 1010.03, each university is directed to exert every effort to collect all delinquent accounts, including employing the service of a collection agency, restricting the release of transcripts, diplomas and other university services, payroll deductions, etc. Florida State University assesses collection fees to accounts that are outstanding debts for 120 days or longer and accounts are sent to one of the collection agencies contracted by the state.


To be eligible for cancellation of the contract due to non-enrollment, written notice of decision not to be enrolled at Florida State University, including in online classes, must be received by the University Housing office. Assessments of financial obligations are based on the term in which the student began their housing contract/residency on-campus, the date the written notice is received, and official check-out date, if applicable.

  1. Fall Semester:
    1. Prior to official Fall semester hall opening:
      1. Returning students:
        1. A 2023–2024 Housing resident who submits a 2024-2025 housing contract may cancel the 2024–2025 housing contract for any reason during the contracting period and up to the cancellation deadline of March 1, 2024, and will forfeit their entire pre–payment. Returning students who cancel due to non–enrollment, including in online classes, prior to the official Fall hall opening will forfeit their pre–payment in its entirety.
      2. Students arriving on campus for the first time in Summer or Fall, who cancel due to non-enrollment, including in online classes, prior to hall opening will receive a refund of all fees LESS:
        1. First time students admitted through the CARE program for whom enrollment cancellation is received on or before May 1 have a $0 forfeiture.
        2. $50 if cancellation of enrollment is received on or before May 1
        3. $225 if cancellation of enrollment is received after May 1 and prior to the official residence hall opening date
    2. After hall opening through first Friday of classes:
      1. If written notification that the student will not be attending the University, including enrollment in online classes, is received in the main University Housing office on or after the official residence hall opening date and through Friday ending the first full week of classes, a 25% obligation of one (1) semester housing rent plus any other applicable charges will apply.
    3. After first Friday of classes through rest of term:
      1. Students will be obligated for one (1) full semester's housing rent and will receive no refund if written notification is received in the main University Housing office after Friday ending the first full week of classes.
  2. Spring Semester:
    1. Students whose contract began in Fall semester and continues through the Spring semester:
      1. A Fall 2024 residence hall student who is not enrolling in classes, including in online classes, for the Spring 2025 semester must notify the main University Housing office in writing by December 1, 2024.
      2. Students who do not provide such notification by the deadline, but do notify through the first Friday of classes, will be obligated for 50% of Spring semester housing rent plus any other applicable charges.
      3. Students will be obligated for one (1) full semester's housing rent and will receive no refund if written notification is received in the main University Housing office after Friday ending the first full week of classes.
    2. Students whose contract begins in the Spring semester, and the student does not have a Fall 2024 contract:
      1. If notice of non-enrollment, including in online classes, is received by University Housing prior to official Spring semester hall opening, the student will receive a refund of all fees LESS:
        1. $100 if cancellation of enrollment is received by December 1
        2. $225 if cancellation of enrollment is received starting December 2 and prior to the official residence hall opening date
      2. After the official Spring semester hall opening, through the first Friday of classes:
        1. If written notification that the student will not be attending the University, including enrollment in online classes, is received in the main University Housing office on or after the official residence hall opening date and through Friday ending the first full week of classes, a 25% obligation of one (1) semester housing rent plus any other applicable charges will apply.
      3. After the first Friday of classes:
        1. Students will be obligated for one (1) full semester's housing rent and will receive no refund if written notification is received in the main University Housing office after Friday ending the first full week of classes.


Students that are granted a medical withdrawal from the University will be charged prorated rent for the semester they withdraw based on the date that they officially check out of their residence hall room or initiate the withdrawal, whichever comes later, and any other applicable charges. Medical conditions that do not require medical withdrawal from the University are not grounds for termination of this agreement or for waiver or reduction of fees.


Contract cancellation or release may be approved by the Housing office, with any appropriate fees, for the student who:

  1. Decides not to enroll in the University.
  2. Withdraws from the University.
  3. Presents evidence of marriage or military service.
  4. Is denied admission, is suspended, or is expelled from the University.
  5. Is released from the contract by the Appeals Committee.



Florida State University holds as paramount the health, safety and welfare of every member of its community. Although Florida State University has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID–19, Florida State University cannot guarantee that a student will not become exposed to or infected with COVID–19 while living in on-campus facilities. Further, living on campus could elevate the risk of contracting any contagious illness simply due to the dense populations in the residence halls. Every member of our community, including students, must do their part to minimize exposure. This means adhering to national, state, local health guidelines and requirements, and all measures Florida State University deems safe and appropriate for its campus. Each resident understands that by living in the residence halls, there is a risk of being exposed to or contracting COVID–19.


We expect that all members of the FSU Housing community—residents, staff and visitors—act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for those around them, including respect and consideration for the health and safety of all community members. All residential students are prohibited from creating a health or safety hazard within FSU University Housing and FSU may request or require a resident to leave FSU Housing if their continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety risk for community members. Residential students are required to comply with health and safety laws, orders, ordinances, regulations and health and safety guidance adopted by FSU or FSU Housing as it relates to public health crises, including COVID–19. These may include COVID–19 diagnostic and surveillance testing (including before or upon arrival to campus) and reporting, contact tracing, disinfection protocols, limitations on guests into residence halls, and quarantine / isolation requirements (including before or upon arrival to campus). Adherence to health and safety requirements applies to all residents, staff and visitors and extends to all aspects of housing, including bedrooms, bathrooms, community kitchens, lounges, computer rooms, courtyards and other common spaces. You agree to do all of this not just for yourself, but for the safety of others, and because this is consistent with the spirit of FSU.

Additional terms, conditions and responsibilities for the 2024–2025 FSU Housing Contract:

  • Student acknowledges the inherent elevated risk associated with living in a community environment and the student’s shared obligation to prioritize health and safety for the benefit of the entire campus community.
  • Student acknowledges that they have considered their own personal health status and any increased risk factors when deciding to choose to live on campus.
  • Student agrees to abide by University safety policies, procedures and directives intended to minimize risk of exposure to COVID–19.
  • Student agrees to wear masks, when required by the University, when indoors and on-campus, including residence halls, unless eating/drinking or in individual residence halls rooms.
  • Student agrees that as a condition of living on campus to provide any requested documentation of their COVID–19 status to University Health Services or take a COVID–19 test as requested upon arrival or shortly thereafter, or at other times at the University’s request.
  • Student acknowledges and agrees that if they have been in contact with someone with COVID–19 and/or tests positive for COVID–19, they will need to inform University Housing immediately and isolate as instructed. University Housing may request or require a resident to move temporarily into areas designated for isolation if the resident’s presence poses a health or safety risk for the community. If that occurs, and based on facility availability, the University may provide facilities suitable for such isolation during the required quarantine time period. Isolation does not constitute cancellation of the housing contract. Student must receive written notice of clearance from the University before returning to their assigned residence hall room.
  • Student agrees that University Health Services is authorized, pursuant to a HIPAA Authorization that Student shall be requested to sign, to share with University Housing and the Department of Student Support Services and Dean of Students if, as a result of a COVID–19 test, a student is "not cleared" to live in their assigned residence hall to expedite a temporary isolation housing assignment. Only the name and student ID of a student who is "not cleared" will be released.
  • Student acknowledges the building or room assignment may be changed prior to arrival or at any time during the term of the Contract as is deemed necessary for health and welfare of residents.
  • Student acknowledges that student-initiated room change requests may be restricted or limited after occupancy.
  • Student acknowledges that cleaning and sanitizing the room, bath and other areas in the unit is the responsibility of the residents living in the suite / apartment. The students will be responsible for providing their own cleaning product and tools to maintain a clean environment within the unit.
  • Student agrees to follow all guidelines for social distancing policies including restrictions on congregating in residence hall rooms and common areas such as lounges.
  • Student acknowledges that some amenities and services may be restricted for safety, including but not limited to common kitchens/appliances, and lounge spaces.
  • Student understands that guest policies have changed. See the Residence Life Guidelines for more explanation on the guest policy for 2024-2025.
  • The University reserves the right to make additional and/or to modify existing policies, procedures and regulations as the COVID–19 situation continues to evolve. The University agrees to make every reasonable effort to inform resident students of any regulation changes or pertinent policy information.
  • FSU and FSU University Housing reserve the right to terminate housing contracts due to public health emergency needs.
  • In the event that the University closes the student’s residence hall due to causes beyond the University’s reasonable control, including but not limited to epidemics, pandemics, war, embargoes, fire, earthquakes, acts of God, actions or inactions of governmental or university authorities, forced closure of facilities, hurricanes, and other serious weather events, such action shall not be considered a default, delay or failure to perform by Florida State University and the student shall not be entitled to a contract cancellation, release, or any refund of any housing fees or payment or any other contract damages.

In the event of a conflict between this Pandemic Policies section and the previous sections of the 2024–2025 Housing Contract, this section will prevail.


By submitting this contract, the student and parent/legal guardian (if student is under 18 years of age) hereby contract for a space in University Housing for the academic year and agree to pay rental rates established by the University. It is the student’s responsibility to review their housing needs and financial resources before completing this contract. If this contract is submitted electronically, the student understands that it is being done with their unique FSU credentials, and as such, constitutes an authenticated electronic signature in accordance with Florida law. It is the student’s responsibility to keep their FSU credentials secure.

Fall 2025/Spring 2026 Housing Contract

The purpose of this document is to establish a mutual contract between each housing student and the Florida State University Board of Trustees, a public body corporate of the State of Florida, acting for and on behalf of Florida State University and its University Housing, with regard to living in University Housing Facilities.


  1. Residents of University Housing facilities must be degree-seeking students registered for classes at Florida State University for each semester of occupancy. Any exceptions must be granted on an individual basis and based on documented academic circumstances. Students wishing to cancel this contract due to non-enrollment will be responsible for financial charges as outlined in Section III below.
  2. The student acknowledges that the University does not require any student to submit a housing contract. This contract, whether submitted electronically or in paper form, with required advance payment, is effective from the University's receipt of the contract until the end of the spring semester of the academic year. If the student enrolls or re-enrolls at the University after providing notice that the student will not be attending for a specific semester, the contract obligation may be reinstated for the remainder of the contract period, at the sole discretion of the University. The student must vacate the residence hall within 24 hours of withdrawal, release, or termination of the contract during a given semester. To properly vacate the space, the student must remove all personal belongings, have staff inspect the room, and return the key at the conclusion of the room inspection. The student must leave the space in a clean and orderly condition, which includes the removal of all trash. The date noted in staff records at the conclusion of the room inspection is used to indicate the official check-out date. The student is responsible for scheduling and attending the room inspection appointment.
  3. The University's receipt of this contract does not guarantee assignment to a particular type of space (building or room type), nor does it determine final admission to the University. Priority for assignments will be granted according to the following hierarchy, provided all admissions and orientation deadlines are met:
    1. For incoming/newly admitted students arriving on campus for the first time in either Summer, Fall or Spring, the date and time of contract submission is used to establish priority for receiving on–campus housing and assignment to preferred buildings and room types.
      1. Contracts submitted in the first several days of the new student fall/spring contract process will be entered into a random lottery for housing priority.
    2. For returning students who lived in University Housing during the Spring 2025 semester, the number of completed credit hours on file with the University when Housing staff assign room selection times is used to establish those room selection times. Some spaces may be reserved for lower credit room selection times. If University Housing determines that the number of returning students exceeds available space, class standing will be used as a consideration in establishing priority for remaining spaces.
    3. For individuals who did not live in University Housing but were matriculated and enrolled during the Spring 2025 semester, a waitlist request can be submitted, and housing will be offered on a space available basis no earlier than April 1st, 2025.
  4. Semester room rent covers occupancy from the date and time designated for official opening until the date and time designated for official closing of the residence halls for each semester. Residence hall closings will follow the last scheduled examination for each semester.
    1. Official residence hall opening and closing dates will be published on the University Housing website. The student agrees to access this information and strictly abide by it.
  5. Room rent does not cover occupancy during any vacation period or between semesters (winter and spring breaks). Based on space available, University Housing may provide housing during break periods in specific buildings on a limited, centralized basis and for an additional charge.
    1. Apartment-style halls are open during vacation periods for students who will continue to be assigned in the same space for both terms. Suite-style halls are closed during vacation periods.
  6. Under this contract, the student is entitled to the privacy of his or her assigned room, (except as stated in II G or as otherwise provided by law), the use of public facilities of the residence hall, and the services rendered in order to pursue his/her educational goals.
  7. The University provides housing accommodations for students with a documented qualifying medical, physical or psychological disability. To be considered for a housing accommodation due to a disability or disabling condition, students must make a request through the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS), and follow the deadlines and instructions for submitting documentation on the OAS website. Students who receive an OAS recommendation for a housing accommodation after the priority deadline will be prioritized for the next available space meeting that accommodation, but University Housing cannot provide a guarantee of availability. Once accommodations are approved, they remain on file with University Housing for the duration of the student’s residence on-campus.
    1. The entire housing accommodation process must be completed with the Office of Accessibility Services before the priority deadlines listed below. After these dates, students may apply for accommodations, but FSU cannot guarantee a housing accommodation can be met. Accommodation requests are subject to room availability. Students must have and maintain a valid housing contract with University Housing in order to receive an approved housing accommodation.
      1. Summer A/C: April 1
      2. Summer B: May 1
      3. Fall (returning residents who lived in University Housing during the Spring 2025 term) – December 1 of preceding year
      4. Fall (new residents) – May 1
      5. Spring: November 1 of preceding year
    2. Emotional Support Animal (ESA) requests are reviewed through OAS. All OAS deadlines for accommodations apply to ESA requests. Requests made and approved before residence hall opening may be approved to begin at the start of that term. Requests made after residence hall opening may be reviewed to begin at the start of the next term for which the student is contracted to live on campus.


  1. Students may reside only in the rooms to which they are assigned, and students may not sublet rooms to another person. Room transfers may occur only upon written approval from the University Housing office or the building's hall coordinator. A guest may not stay in University Housing facilities for more than three (3) days during a 30–day period.
  2. Students are responsible for care of rooms and equipment. The University performs routine, periodic and preventative maintenance and custodial services. The University may also provide periodic suite bathroom cleaning, subject to staff availability and other conditions. Charges may be made for damages to, unauthorized use of, or alterations to, rooms, equipment, or buildings, as well as for special cleaning necessitated by improper care of rooms or equipment. Students are jointly responsible for care of public areas and equipment. "Public areas" are defined as those areas available for use by all students living on a wing, a floor or within a hall. Charges for damages to public areas and equipment may be made to all students assigned to separate wings, floors or within entire halls as deemed appropriate by University Housing.
  3. Students are responsible for knowing and following University regulations and procedures as set forth in official University publications including the Student Conduct Code and the Guide to Residence Living. The University reserves the right to make other rules and regulations that in its judgment may be necessary for the safety, care and cleanliness of the premises and for the preservation of order. The student agrees to abide by all additional rules and regulations that are adopted.
  4. The University is not liable for damage or loss of personal property, failure or interruption of utilities, or unforeseen accidents/injuries. Students are strongly encouraged to secure their own personal property loss insurance.
  5. Resident acknowledges that all main campus housing facilities are located in Florida, which has a climate conducive to the growth of mold and mildew, and that it is necessary to provide proper ventilation and humidification of rooms to retard or prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Resident agrees to be responsible for properly ventilating and dehumidifying the room and the contents to retard and prevent mold and mildew, and that the University shall not be responsible for damage to the room or the personal property of the resident for damages caused by mold and mildew. Residents are responsible for knowing and following recommended procedures as set forth in the Guide to Residence Living related to mildew and mold prevention and removal.
  6. Due to the communal nature of residence hall living, University Housing cannot guarantee that any housing space will be free of nuts, gluten, fragrances or other allergens and cannot prevent cross contamination within rooms or common spaces.
  7. Authorized University personnel may enter student rooms for normal inspection, and maintenance and custodial purposes as outlined. The student's personal property is not subject to search without express approval of the student except when a reasonable belief exists that the room is being used for a purpose which is illegal, or which would otherwise seriously interfere with discipline and/or personal safety.
  8. Room assignments may at any time be administratively changed, modified, canceled or terminated by the University in the interests of order, health, discipline, maximum utilization of facilities or disaster after notice to the student as is practical. Disregard for the rights, responsibilities and duties of others, as well as the creation of circumstances which could jeopardize life, limb, or property, are conditions which are not acceptable in University Housing and may be cause for administrative termination of the Housing Contract.
    1. The University reserves the right to change room or hall assignments and/or consolidate vacancies by requiring residents to move from one room to another in the event such reassignments are determined to be necessary. If consolidation is required once the term has begun, University Housing will provide advance notice of a required move as is practical.
    2. The University reserves the right to assign a new resident to a vacancy that may occur in the residence halls at any time. No prior notice of a new roommate to the residents sharing that residence hall space is required. The student(s) who remain in a room or apartment with a vacancy agrees to maintain the vacant space in move-in condition as determined by the University in anticipation of the arrival of a new roommate. A fully open space, which includes but is not limited to a bed, desk, dresser, desk chair, and appropriate shared space, must remain clear of any belongings. There is no right on the part of the remaining residents to refuse to accept a new roommate.
    3. Room change process – All room change requests must be submitted, and are processed, according to published timelines and processes. If a reassignment is offered, no information about any existing student in a space can be provided for privacy reasons. If the request is motivated by personal differences or conflict with a roommate, the student is responsible to make a good faith effort to resolve the differences before making a request for a room change. The residence life staff is available to assist with conflict resolution and mediation.
  9. I. Students may not possess dangerous or prohibited items as noted in the Guide to Residence Living, the Student Conduct Code, as well as by Florida Law.
  10. Visitation shall be in accordance with Florida State University policy.
  11. In keeping with the policies of the University, all rooms are assigned without regard to race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veterans’ or marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other protected group status. Roommate assignment requests based on romantic involvement with the potential roommate will not be considered. University Housing makes the following provisions with regards to room assignments: accommodations are made for students with disabilities, and married couples are not permitted to live together in University Housing facilities.
  12. In support of the mission of University Housing, the intended use of the residence hall space is for the students assigned to sleep, study and foster their academic success. Residence halls are not designed or intended to be appropriate spaces for businesses, and do not provide an environment conducive to remote work, or online presence. The rights of a resident using the space for residential purposes cannot be superseded by one wishing to use the space for work/remote work. Students may not cause interference with another student’s rights, comfort and safety while they are in the room or residence hall. Solicitation is not permitted in the residence halls.
  13. All official communication is sent to the student's FSU email account. The student agrees to be responsible for all communication received from the University sent to this account.
  14. Animals are prohibited in all residence hall facilities, with the exception of approved emotional support animals, service animals, and fish kept as pets in a 10–gallon or smaller aquarium. Prior to any animal living in the building, the student is responsible for completing all steps required for approval.



  1. Residence hall room rates are outlined on the University Housing website. Room rates may be changed after 30 days notice to the assignee in the event of unanticipated circumstances beyond the control of the University, including increased utility rates.
  2. The Florida Prepaid Dormitory Plan benefit will pay the cost of a double–occupancy apartment, or suite–style double room with shared bath. Students assigned to a higher–priced room are responsible for paying any cost differences, as well as any charges, prorations, or other costs pursuant to the terms and conditions of the residence hall contract.
    1. Upon submission of this contract, the prepayment will immediately be considered complete for students who are a beneficiary of a Florida Prepaid Dormitory plan. If the student does not wish Florida Prepaid to be billed for this prepayment, it is the student’s responsibility to notify University Housing in writing within 7 calendar days of the original contract submission date to


This contract creates a financial obligation for the academic year. Rent is charged and billed by semester.

  1. All contracts require an advance payment to complete the housing application process for the initial semester of occupancy. If the student is under age 18, a parent/guardian signature is also required. All balance rent payments will be invoiced after a room assignment is made and are due on or before the second (2nd) Friday of the semester. Payments received after this date are subject to a $50 late fee.
  2. According to Florida Statute 1010.03, each university is directed to exert every effort to collect all delinquent accounts, including employing the service of a collection agency, restricting the release of transcripts, diplomas and other university services, payroll deductions, etc. Florida State University assesses collection fees to accounts that are outstanding debts for 120 days or longer and accounts are sent to one of the collection agencies contracted by the state.


To be eligible for cancellation of the contract due to non-enrollment, written notice of decision not to be enrolled at Florida State University, including in online classes, must be received by the University Housing office. Assessments of financial obligations are based on the term in which the student began their housing contract/residency on-campus, the date the written notice is received, the date course enrollment is cancelled/verification of non-enrollment received, and official check-out date, if applicable.

  1. Fall Semester:
    1. Up to 8 calendar days prior to the University’s first official class day:
      1. Returning students:
        1. A 2024–2025 Housing resident who submits a 2025-2026 housing contract may cancel the 2025–2026 housing contract for any reason during the contracting period and up to the cancellation deadline of March 1, 2025, and will forfeit their entire pre–payment. Returning students who cancel due to non–enrollment, including in online classes, up to 8 calendar days prior to the first official class day will forfeit their pre–payment in its entirety.
      2. Students scheduled to arrive on campus for the first time in Summer or Fall, who cancel due to non-enrollment, including in online classes, up to 8 calendar days prior to the first official class day will receive a refund of all fees LESS:
        1. First time students admitted through the CARE program for whom enrollment cancellation is received on or before May 1 have a $0 forfeiture.
        2. $50 if cancellation of enrollment is received on or before May 1
        3. $225 if cancellation of enrollment is received after May 1 and up to 8 calendar days prior to the first official class day
    2. Starting 7 calendar days prior to the first official class day through the first Friday of classes:
      1. If written notification that the student will not be enrolling at the University, including enrollment in online classes, is received in the main University Housing office starting 7 calendar days prior to the first official class day and through Friday ending the first full week of classes, a 25% obligation of one (1) semester housing rent plus any other applicable charges will apply. Official check out from the assigned space and cancellation of full course enrollment must also be complete by Friday ending the first full week of classes.
    3. After the first Friday of classes through rest of term:
      1. Students will be obligated for one (1) full semester's housing rent and will receive no refund if written notification is received in the main University Housing office after Friday ending the first full week of classes.
  2. Spring Semester:
    1. Students whose contract began in Fall semester and continues through the Spring semester:
      1. A Fall 2025 residence hall student who is not enrolling in classes, including in online classes, for the Spring 2026 semester must notify the main University Housing office in writing by December 1, 2025. Such students must also check out fully from their residence hall by the official closing hour for the Fall 2025 term.
      2. Students who do not provide such notification by the deadline, but do notify of non-enrollment and complete a full check out through the first Friday of classes, will be obligated for 50% of Spring semester housing rent plus any other applicable charges.
      3. Students will be obligated for one (1) full semester's housing rent and will receive no refund if written notification and/or official check out is received in the main University Housing office after Friday ending the first full week of classes.
    2. Students whose contract begins in the Spring semester, and the student does not have a Fall 2025 contract:
      1. If notice of non-enrollment, including in online classes, is received by University Housing up to 8 calendar days prior to the first official Spring term class day, the student will receive a refund of all fees LESS:
        1. $225 if cancellation of enrollment is received up to 8 calendar days prior to the first official class day
      2. Starting 7 calendar days prior to the first official Spring term class day,  through the first Friday of classes:
        1. If written notification that the student will not be attending the University, including enrollment in online classes, is received in the main University Housing office starting 7 calendar days prior to the first official Spring term class day and through Friday ending the first full week of classes, a 25% obligation of one (1) semester housing rent plus any other applicable charges will apply. Official check out from the assigned space and cancellation of full course enrollment must also be complete by Friday ending the first full week of classes.
      3. After the first Friday of classes:
        1. Students will be obligated for one (1) full semester's housing rent and will receive no refund if written notification is received in the main University Housing office after Friday ending the first full week of classes.


Students that are granted a medical withdrawal from the University will be charged prorated rent for the semester they withdraw based on the date that they officially check out of their residence hall room or initiate the withdrawal, whichever comes later, and any other applicable charges. Medical conditions that do not require medical withdrawal from the University are not grounds for termination of this agreement or for waiver or reduction of fees.


Contract cancellation or release may be approved by the Housing office, with any appropriate fees, for the student who:

  1. Decides not to enroll in the University.
  2. Withdraws from the University.
  3. Presents evidence of marriage or military service.
  4. Is denied admission, is suspended, or is expelled from the University.
  5. Is released from the contract by the Appeals Committee.



Florida State University holds as paramount the health, safety and welfare of every member of its community. Simply due to the dense populations in the residence halls, living on campus could elevate the risk of contracting any contagious illness.  Every member of our community, including students, must do their part to minimize exposure. This means adhering to national, state, local health guidelines and requirements, and all measures Florida State University deems safe and appropriate for its campus.


We expect that all members of the FSU Housing community—residents, staff and visitors—act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for those around them, including respect and consideration for the health and safety of all community members. All residential students are prohibited from creating a health or safety hazard within FSU University Housing and FSU may request or require a resident to leave FSU Housing if their continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety risk for community members. Residential students are required to comply with health and safety laws, orders, ordinances, regulations and health and safety guidance adopted by FSU or FSU Housing as it relates to public health crises. Adherence to health and safety requirements applies to all residents, staff and visitors and extends to all aspects of housing, including bedrooms, bathrooms, community kitchens, lounges, computer rooms, courtyards and other common spaces. You agree to do all of this not just for yourself, but for the safety of others, and because this is consistent with the spirit of FSU.

Additional terms, conditions and responsibilities for the 2025–2026 FSU Housing Contract:

  • Student acknowledges the inherent elevated risk associated with living in a community environment and the student’s shared obligation to prioritize health and safety for the benefit of the entire campus community.
  • Student acknowledges that they have considered their own personal health status and any increased risk factors when deciding to choose to live on campus.
  • Student acknowledges the building or room assignment may be changed prior to arrival or at any time during the term of the Contract as is deemed necessary for the health and welfare of residents.
  • Student acknowledges that cleaning and sanitizing the room, bath and other areas in the unit is the responsibility of the residents living in the suite / apartment. The students will be responsible for providing their own cleaning product and tools to maintain a clean environment within the unit.
  • FSU and FSU University Housing reserve the right to terminate housing contracts due to public health emergency needs.
  • In the event that the University closes the student’s residence hall due to causes beyond the University’s reasonable control, including but not limited to epidemics, pandemics, war, embargoes, fire, earthquakes, acts of God, actions or inactions of governmental or university authorities, forced closure of facilities, hurricanes, and other serious weather events, such action shall not be considered a default, delay or failure to perform by Florida State University and the student shall not be entitled to a contract cancellation, release, or any refund of any housing fees or payment or any other contract damages.

In the event of a conflict between this Public Health Policies section and the previous sections of the 2025–2026 Housing Contract, this section will prevail.


By submitting this contract, the student and parent/legal guardian (if student is under 18 years of age) hereby contract for a space in University Housing for the academic year and agree to pay rental rates established by the University. It is the student’s responsibility to review their housing needs and financial resources before completing this contract. If this contract is submitted electronically, the student understands that it is being done with their unique FSU credentials, and as such, constitutes an authenticated electronic signature in accordance with Florida law. It is the student’s responsibility to keep their FSU credentials secure.

Summer 2025 Housing Contract

The purpose of this document is to establish a mutual contract between each housing student and the Florida State University Board of Trustees, a public body corporate of the State of Florida, acting for and on behalf of Florida State University and its University Housing, with regard to living in University Housing Facilities.


  1. Residents of University Housing facilities must be degree-seeking students registered for classes at Florida State University for each semester or session of occupancy. Any exceptions must be granted on an individual basis and based on documented academic circumstances. Students wishing to cancel this contract due to non-enrollment will be responsible for financial charges as outlined in Section III below.
  2. The student acknowledges that the University does not require any student to submit a housing contract. This contract, whether submitted electronically or in paper form, with required advance payment, is effective from the University's receipt of the contract until the end of the selected summer session. If the student enrolls or re-enrolls at the University after providing notice that the student will not be attending for a specific semester or session, the contract obligation may be reinstated for the remainder of the contract period, at the sole discretion of the University. The student must vacate the residence hall within 24 hours of withdrawal, release, or termination of the contract during a given semester or session. To properly vacate the space, the student must remove all personal belongings, have staff inspect the room, and return the key at the conclusion of the room inspection. The student must leave the space in a clean and orderly condition, which includes the removal of all trash. The date noted in staff records at the conclusion of the room inspection is used to indicate the official check-out date. The student is responsible for scheduling and attending the room inspection appointment.
  3. The University's receipt of this contract does not guarantee assignment to a particular type of space (building or room type), nor does it determine final admission to the University. Priority for assignments will be granted according to the following hierarchy, provided all admissions and orientation deadlines are met:
    1. For incoming/newly admitted students arriving on campus for the first time in either Summer, Fall or Spring, or who did not live in University Housing during the Spring 2025 semester, the date and time of contract submission is used to establish priority for receiving on–campus housing and assignment to preferred buildings and room types.
    2. For returning students who lived in University Housing during the Spring 2025 semester, the number of completed credit hours on file with the University as of the end of the Fall 2024 semester is used to establish priority for receiving on-campus housing and assignment to preferred buildings and room types.
  4. Semester room rent covers occupancy from the date and time designated for official opening until the date and time designated for official closing of the residence halls for each semester or session. Residence hall closings will follow the last scheduled examination for each semester or session.
    1. Official residence hall opening and closing dates will be published on the University Housing website. The student agrees to access this information and strictly abide by it.
  5. Room rent does not cover occupancy during any vacation period or between semesters/sessions (including winter and spring breaks). Based on space available, University Housing may provide housing during break periods in specific buildings on a limited, centralized basis and for an additional charge.
    1. Apartment-style halls are open during vacation periods for students who will continue to be assigned in the same space for both terms. Suite-style halls are closed during vacation periods.
  6. Under this contract, the student is entitled to the privacy of his or her assigned room, (except as stated in II G or as otherwise provided by law), the use of public facilities of the residence hall, and the services rendered in order to pursue his/her educational goals.
  7. The University provides housing accommodations for students with a documented qualifying medical, physical or psychological disability. To be considered for a housing accommodation due to a disability or disabling condition, students must make a request through the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS), and follow the deadlines and instructions for submitting documentation on the OAS website. Students who receive an OAS recommendation for a housing accommodation after the priority deadline will be prioritized for the next available space meeting that accommodation, but University Housing cannot provide a guarantee of availability. Once accommodations are approved, they remain on file with University Housing for the duration of the student’s residence on-campus.

  8. 1. The entire housing accommodation process must be completed with the Office of Accessibility Services before the priority deadlines listed below. After these dates, students may apply for accommodations, but FSU cannot guarantee a housing accommodation can be met. Accommodation requests are subject to room availability. Students must have and maintain a valid housing contract with University Housing in order to receive an approved housing accommodation.
    1. Summer A/C: April 1
    2. Summer B: May 1
    3. Fall (returning residents who lived in University Housing during the Spring 2025 term) – December 1 of preceding year
    4. Fall (new residents) – May 1
    5. Spring: November 1 of preceding year

    2. Emotional Support Animal (ESA) requests are reviewed through OAS. All OAS deadlines for accommodations apply to ESA requests. Requests made and approved before residence hall opening may be approved to begin at the start of that term. Requests made after residence hall opening may be reviewed to begin at the start of the next term for which the student is contracted to live on campus.


  1. Students may reside only in the rooms to which they are assigned, and students may not sublet rooms to another person. Room transfers may occur only upon written approval from the University Housing office or the building's hall coordinator. A guest may not stay in University Housing facilities for more than three (3) days during a 30–day period.
  2. Students are responsible for care of rooms and equipment. The University performs routine, periodic and preventative maintenance and custodial services. The University may also provide periodic suite bathroom cleaning, subject to staff availability and other conditions. Charges may be made for damages to, unauthorized use of, or alterations to, rooms, equipment or buildings, as well as for special cleaning necessitated by improper care of rooms or equipment. Students are jointly responsible for care of public areas and equipment. "Public areas" are defined as those areas available for use by all students living on a wing, a floor or within a hall. Charges for damages to public areas and equipment may be made to all students assigned to separate wings, floors or within entire halls as deemed appropriate by University Housing.
  3. Students are responsible for knowing and following University regulations and procedures as set forth in official University publications including the Student Conduct Code and the Guide to Residence Living. The University reserves the right to make other rules and regulations that in its judgment may be necessary for the safety, care and cleanliness of the premises and for the preservation of order. The student agrees to abide by all additional rules and regulations that are adopted.
  4. The University is not liable for damage or loss of personal property, failure or interruption of utilities, or unforeseen accidents/injuries. Students are strongly encouraged to secure their own personal property loss insurance.
  5. Resident acknowledges that all main campus housing facilities are located in Florida, which has a climate conducive to the growth of mold and mildew, and that it is necessary to provide proper ventilation and humidification of rooms to retard or prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Resident agrees to be responsible for properly ventilating and dehumidifying the room and the contents to retard and prevent mold and mildew, and that the University shall not be responsible for damage to the room or the personal property of the resident for damages caused by mold and mildew. Residents are responsible for knowing and following recommended procedures as set forth in the Guide to Residence Living related to mildew and mold prevention and removal.
  6. Due to the communal nature of residence hall living, University Housing cannot guarantee that any housing space will be free of nuts, gluten, fragrances or other allergens and cannot prevent cross contamination within rooms or common spaces.
  7. Authorized University personnel may enter student rooms for normal inspection, and maintenance and custodial purposes as outlined. The student's personal property is not subject to search without express approval of the student except when a reasonable belief exists that the room is being used for a purpose which is illegal or which would otherwise seriously interfere with discipline and/or personal safety.
  8. Room assignments may at any time be administratively changed, modified, canceled or terminated by the University in the interests of order, health, discipline, maximum utilization of facilities or disaster after notice to the student as is practical. Disregard for the rights, responsibilities and duties of others, as well as the creation of circumstances which could jeopardize life, limb, or property, are conditions which are not acceptable in University Housing and may be cause for administrative termination of the Housing Contract.
    1. The University reserves the right to change room or hall assignments and/or consolidate vacancies by requiring residents to move from one room to another in the event such reassignments are determined to be necessary. If consolidation is required once the term has begun, University Housing will provide advance notice of a required move as is practical.
    2. The University reserves the right to assign a new resident to a vacancy that may occur in the residence halls at any time. No prior notice of a new roommate to the residents sharing that residence hall space is required. The student(s) who remain in a room or apartment with a vacancy agrees to maintain the vacant space in move-in condition as determined by the University in anticipation of the arrival of a new roommate. A fully open space, which includes but is not limited to a bed, desk, dresser, desk chair, and appropriate shared space, must remain clear of any belongings. There is no right on the part of the remaining residents to refuse to accept a new roommate.
    3. Room change process- All room change requests must be submitted, and are processed, according to published timelines and processes. If a reassignment is offered, no information about any existing student in a space can be provided for privacy reasons. If the request is motivated by personal differences or conflict with a roommate, the student is responsible to make a good faith effort to resolve the differences before making a request for a room change. The residence life staff is available to assist with conflict resolution and mediation.
  9. Students may not possess dangerous or prohibited items as noted in the Guide to Residence Living, the Student Conduct Code, as well as by Florida Law.
  10. Visitation shall be in accordance with Florida State University policy.
  11. In keeping with the policies of the University, all rooms are assigned without regard to race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veterans’ or marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other protected group status. Roommate assignment requests based on romantic involvement with the potential roommate will not be considered. University Housing makes the following provisions with regards to room assignments: accommodations are made for students with disabilities, and married couples are not permitted to live together in University Housing facilities.
  12. In support of the mission of University Housing, the intended use of the residence hall space is for the students assigned to sleep, study and foster their academic success. Residence halls are not designed or intended to be appropriate spaces for businesses, and do not provide an environment conducive to remote work or online presence. The rights of a resident using the space for residential purposes cannot be superseded by one wishing to use the space for work/remote work. Students may not cause interference with another student’s rights, comfort and safety while they are in the room or residence hall. Solicitation is not permitted in the residence halls.
  13. All official communication is sent to the student's FSU email account. The student agrees to be responsible for all communication received from the University sent to this account.
  14. Animals are prohibited in all residence hall facilities, with the exception of approved emotional support animals, service animals, and fish kept as pets in a 10–gallon or smaller aquarium. Prior to any animal living in the building, the student is responsible for completing all steps required for approval.



  1. Residence hall room rates are outlined on the University Housing website. Room rates may be changed after 30 days notice to the assignee in the event of unanticipated circumstances beyond the control of the University, including increased utility rates.


This contract creates a financial obligation for the selected summer session. Rent is charged and billed by semester or session, as applicable.

  1. All contracts require an advance payment to complete the housing application process for the initial semester/session of occupancy. If the student is under age 18, a parent/guardian signature is also required. All balance rent payments will be invoiced after a room assignment is made and are due on or before the second (2nd) Friday of the semester/session. Payments received after this date are subject to a $50 late fee.
  2. According to Florida Statute 1010.03, each university is directed to exert every effort to collect all delinquent accounts, including employing the service of a collection agency, restricting the release of transcripts, diplomas and other university services, payroll deductions, etc. Florida State University assesses collection fees to accounts that are outstanding debts for 120 days or longer and accounts are sent to one of the collection agencies contracted by the state.


To be eligible for cancellation of the contract due to non-enrollment, written notice of decision not to be enrolled at Florida State University, including in online classes, must be received by the University Housing office. Assessments of financial obligations are based on the term in which the student began their housing contract/residency on-campus, the date the written notice is received, the date course enrollment is cancelled/verification of non-enrollment received, and official check-out date, if applicable.

  1. Summer Semester:
    1. Up to 5 calendar days prior to the University’s first official class day:
      1. If notice of non-enrollment, including in online classes, is received by University Housing up to 5 calendar days prior to the first official class day for the selected summer session, the student will forfeit the $100 deposit and be released from any additional summer financial obligation
    2. Starting 4 calendar days prior to the first official class day through the first Friday of classes for the selected summer session:
      1. If written notification that the student will not be enrolling at the University, including enrollment in online classes, is received in the main University Housing office starting 4 calendar days prior to the first official class day and through Friday ending the first full week of classes, a 25% obligation of one (1) semester/session housing rent plus any other applicable charges will apply. Official check out from the assigned space and cancellation of full course enrollment must also be complete by Friday ending the first full week of classes.
    3. After first Friday of classes through rest of term for the selected summer session:
      1. Students will be obligated for one (1) full semester/session's housing rent and will receive no refund if written notification is received in the main University Housing office after Friday ending the first full week of classes.


Students that are granted a medical withdrawal from the University will be charged prorated rent for the semester or session they withdraw based on the date that they officially check out of their residence hall room or initiate the withdrawal, whichever comes later, and any other applicable charges. Medical conditions that do not require medical withdrawal from the University are not grounds for termination of this agreement or for waiver or reduction of fees.


Contract cancellation or release may be approved by the Housing office, with any appropriate fees, for the student who:

  1. Decides not to enroll in the University.
  2. Withdraws from the University.
  3. Presents evidence of marriage or military service.
  4. Is denied admission, is suspended, or is expelled from the University.
  5. Is released from the contract by the Appeals Committee.



Florida State University holds as paramount the health, safety and welfare of every member of its community. Simply due to the dense populations in the residence halls, living on campus could elevate the risk of contracting any contagious illness. Every member of our community, including students, must do their part to minimize exposure. This means adhering to national, state, local health guidelines and requirements, and all measures Florida State University deems safe and appropriate for its campus.


We expect that all members of the FSU Housing community—residents, staff and visitors—act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for those around them, including respect and consideration for the health and safety of all community members. All residential students are prohibited from creating a health or safety hazard within FSU University Housing and FSU may request or require a resident to leave FSU Housing if their continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety risk for community members. Residential students are required to comply with health and safety laws, orders, ordinances, regulations and health and safety guidance adopted by FSU or FSU Housing as it relates to public health crises. Adherence to health and safety requirements applies to all residents, staff and visitors and extends to all aspects of housing, including bedrooms, bathrooms, community kitchens, lounges, computer rooms, courtyards and other common spaces. You agree to do all of this not just for yourself, but for the safety of others, and because this is consistent with the spirit of FSU.

Additional terms, conditions and responsibilities for the Summer 2025 FSU Housing Contract:

  • Student acknowledges the inherent elevated risk associated with living in a community environment and the student’s shared obligation to prioritize health and safety for the benefit of the entire campus community.
  • Student acknowledges that they have considered their own personal health status and any increased risk factors when deciding to choose to live on campus.
  • Student acknowledges the building or room assignment may be changed prior to arrival or at any time during the term of the Contract as is deemed necessary for the health and welfare of residents.
  • Student acknowledges that cleaning and sanitizing the room, bath and other areas in the unit is the responsibility of the residents living in the suite / apartment. The students will be responsible for providing their own cleaning product and tools to maintain a clean environment within the unit.
  • FSU and FSU University Housing reserve the right to terminate housing contracts due to public health emergency needs.
  • In the event that the University closes the student’s residence hall due to causes beyond the University’s reasonable control, including but not limited to epidemics, pandemics, war, embargoes, fire, earthquakes, acts of God, actions or inactions of governmental or university authorities, forced closure of facilities, hurricanes, and other serious weather events, such action shall not be considered a default, delay or failure to perform by Florida State University and the student shall not be entitled to a contract cancellation, release, or any refund of any housing fees or payment or any other contract damages.

In the event of a conflict between this Public Health Policies section and the previous sections of the Summer 2025 Housing Contract, this section will prevail.


By submitting this contract, the student and parent/legal guardian (if student is under 18 years of age) hereby contract for a space in University Housing for the selected summer term and agree to pay rental rates established by the University. It is the student’s responsibility to review their housing needs and financial resources before completing this contract. If this contract is submitted electronically, the student understands that it is being done with their unique FSU credentials, and as such, constitutes an authenticated electronic signature in accordance with Florida law. It is the student’s responsibility to keep their FSU credentials secure.

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Division of Student Affairs at Florida State University


University Housing Department
part of the Division of Student Affairs
109 Askew Student Life Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Hours: M - F  9 a.m. - 4 p.m.