University Housing Florida State University
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Housing Contracts

Fall/Spring Returning Resident Re–Contract


To participate in the 2025/2026 Returner Contract and Room Selection process students must meet one (1) of the following criteria:

  • be a resident on the Tallahassee FSU campus for Fall 2024 or Spring 2025
  • be a resident on the Tallahassee FSU campus through the end of Fall 2024 and be studying abroad or completing a documented internship outside of Tallahassee for the Spring 2025 Semester

Students who do not meet one of these criteria are not eligible to participate in this process or have their rooms reserved or selected by those who are eligible.


STEP 1) Complete your housing contract starting in mid-November, and no later than 11:59 PM on Friday, January 10, 2025

By 11:59 PM on Friday, January 10, 2025, complete the online portion of your contract. While completing a contract, please read the terms and conditions carefully. By submitting a housing contract, you are creating a financial obligation for both Fall and Spring Semesters unless you cancel by the deadline provided below.

STEP 2) Pay the required, non-refundable $200 prepayment within seven (7) days of completing STEP 1

You must submit the required, non-refundable $200 prepayment within seven (7) calendar days of submitting the online portion housing contract or the contract will be canceled. The prepayment may be paid at or in person at the University Housing Office located in the Askew Student Life Building.

Florida Prepaid Housing Plan — See the FAQ below for instructions if you have additional semesters of the Florida Prepaid Housing Plan remaining.

STEP 3) Request ONE specific roommate no later than January 10, 2025

If you want to request one specific roommate who is also a Returning resident, designate them via your Housing portal no later than January 10, 2025. This process will open later—students will be notified via their FSU email when it is available.

You should verify that any roommate is confirmed/verified by the deadline.

STEP 4) Select a room on the Housing portal when your designated Room Selection window opens

By completing both Steps 1 & 2 by the deadlines provided, you will have an option to select your room online. Room Selection windows will be assigned in order first based on the number of TOTAL COMPLETED CREDIT HOURS (see the FAQ below for definition) on file with the FSU Registrar's Office as of the end of Fall 2024 semester and then randomly if several students have the same number of total completed credit hours.

In late January, you will be emailed with the exact day/time your Room Selection window opens. Room selection windows typically open in early February. Once your room selection time opens, you will be able to select/change your room after this day/time through March 7th.

As Room Selection progresses, it is possible you may not be able to find a double vacancy for you and a requested roommate. If you cannot find a double vacancy in any hall available, you may need to select a space on your own.

If no space is available when your room selection time opens: You should check all halls, not just preferred halls. If no space remains, you may check back in the Room Selection portal throughout the Room Selection period to see if something may come open. We know that some Returning residents will cancel by the March 1 deadline, leaving some spaces available for other students who did not cancel. Most spaces that come open at this time are in suite style rooms. If you are not able to locate a preferred space by the cancellation deadline, it is unlikely that one will later come open. You should make your cancellation decision based on your assignment as of the day before the March 1st cancellation deadline.

Failure to select a room does not remove the financial obligation, or change the cancellation deadline.

If no space by the time room selection ends: Students who are not assigned to a space, and who did not cancel by March 1st will be notified by April 1st if space is available for the Fall 2025/Spring 2026 academic year. If University Housing determines that the number of returning students exceeds available space, class standing will be used as a consideration in establishing priority for remaining spaces. If University Housing is unable to offer any space on-campus, Housing will process a refund for the entire deposit amount when the student is notified of contract cancellation.

STEP 5) Consolidation – after March 8th

Returning residents with vacancies in their rooms may be consolidated to a different room with the same room type, in the same building, to allow as many Summer/Fall 2025 admitted students to be assigned together as possible. This consolidation process may occur several times between March 8th and hall opening. Consequently, returning residents are strongly encouraged to select rooms with other returning residents during Room Selection.

When consolidating, staff will attempt to keep mutually requested roommate pairs together when possible. Students who are not mutually requested may be separated from others in their room, suite, apartment if consolidation requires.

What will be offered

There are fewer than 800 spaces in on-campus apartments available in returner selection, and they are chosen quickly. Consider your willingness to live in a shared bedroom and/or a suite before completing a contract for on-campus housing.

  • Less than 800 spaces in on–campus apartments style halls- this includes most of the spaces in Traditions, Ragans buildings 2, 3 and 4, and in Rogers Hall.
  • A limited number of spaces in select suite–style halls. Some spaces in Gilchrist Hall will be available. Spaces in DeGraff Hall will be prioritized for students on the lower range of completed credits.

Space Limitations

The following limitations will be in effect during the Room Selection process:

  • Living–Learning Communities (LLCs) — LLC returner spaces are assigned through a separate process. Please reach out to your LLC faculty director to discuss any options.
  • Suite–Style Spaces — The number of suite–style spaces will be limited and located in specific halls in order to make adequate space available for Summer/Fall 2025 admitted students.
  • Singles and Rooms with Private Bathrooms — These spaces are very limited, as many of them are held for students that require medical accommodations.


If you wish to cancel, you must submit written cancellation notice to the University Housing Office by March 1, 2025. Students who cancel their contract by March 1 will forfeit their $200 prepayment. After March 1, you will be contractually obligated to pay rent for both Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 semesters, so long as space is available on campus.

While you can still change rooms through March 7th, you are contractually and rent obligated after the March 1st cancellation deadline if spaces exist.

To cancel email

Room Selection FAQs

Am I guaranteed a space on-campus for Fall 25/Spring 26 as a returning resident?
No. We expect to have more students interested in returning resident contracts than space available. Students who definitely want to live on-campus should make sure they select an available space quickly when their Room Selection time opens. Students who do not select a space, and who do not cancel by March 1st will be notified by April 1st if space is available for the Fall 2025/Spring 2026 academic year.
Can I reserve my same room for next year?
Possibly, if you live in one of the designated Returner halls and if your current room is available at the time you select your room.

All credit hours that were completed during Fall 2024 or earlier either at FSU with a passing grade or through AP/IB/dual enrollment/transfer credit that has been accepted by FSU. This information will be pulled for the purposes of Room Selection from the FSU Registrar's Office no earlier than December 15th. Students should ensure their credit hours on file are accurate with FSU in advance.

I require special/medical housing accommodations. What should I do?

If you have a previously approved housing medical accommodation and have completed a Fall 2025/Spring 2026 contract, our office will contact you in January with more information about your housing placement for 2025/2026.

If you haven't previously provided documentation, you must register with the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) and submit a completed request for housing medical accommodations before December 1. All approvals for housing accommodations must be completed in full by OAS by December 1st. Information about what documentation is required is available on the OAS website.

What if I do not complete both STEP 1 and STEP 2 above by the specified deadlines?

If you do not contract as a returning resident by the deadline above, you may add yourself to the Returning student waitlist on your housing portal. If we later are able to offer additional space, we would notify you to your FSU email account, and provide approximately 24 hours to accept the space.

What if I have additional semesters of the Florida Prepaid Housing Plan?
During the contract process, the second page of the contract will display information regarding your current Florida Prepaid Housing Plan status, and how it will impact your prepayment. If your status indicates that you do have remaining semesters available, Florida Prepaid will be invoiced directly for your prepayment. If you believe the information provided to you during the contract process is incorrect relating to your Florida Prepaid status, please contact us.
What happened to my contract number from last year?

We do not use contract numbers for the returning resident process.

What if I want to live with someone who does not currently live on-campus at FSU (i.e. an incoming freshman/transfer student or off–campus student)?
Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate roommate matches between returning residents and incoming/off–campus students.
How do I find available off-campus housing if I choose not to contract for on-campus housing, or cancel my contract by the March 1 deadline?
FSU Off-Campus Housing Marketplace.

Summer A/B/C 2025 Housing

Current Students & Incoming Transfer/Graduate Students

Housing Options

The halls available for students not admitted for Summer/Fall 2025 as a first-year student are outlined below, and may be specific to the term for which you contract.

Depending on contract numbers, either Traditions or Ragans spaces may be used; no preferences can be submitted.

Transfer students with a lower credit hour count may be assigned to a suite-style facility.

Rental Rates are listed below, per student:

Building Room Type Summer A
(first half)
Summer B
(second half)
Summer C
(whole summer)
Traditions 2 Bedrooms/1 Bath (2 students) $1,675 $1,675 $3,350
Ragans 4 Bedrooms/2 Bath (4 students) $1,675 $1,675 $3,350

Contract Process

To secure on-campus housing, submit your housing contract on the myHousing Portal. While completing a contract, you should read the terms and conditions carefully. By submitting a housing contract, you are financially obligating yourself for rent costs for the selected Summer semester(s) unless you are NOT ENROLLING in any FSU classes (including online/remote courses) for summer and notify the Housing Office in writing at least 5 calendar days prior to the University’s first official class date for the contracted summer term. Starting 4 calendar days prior to the University’s first official class day, students cancelling a contract who are not attending FSU will incur rental obligations based on the terms and conditions of the contract.

Room assignments for those contracting for Summer A or C terms will be available shortly before the halls open. Room assignments for those contracting only for Summer B term will be available closer to the start of summer B term.

All students must submit a $100 non-refundable deposit within 7 days of their online contract submission. If under 18 on the contract submission date, a Parent/Guardian Contract Consent form is also required within 7 days..

Returning Residents in Apartment–Style Halls

Students residing in one of the 4 apartment-style halls for the current (Spring 2025) term will receive additional communication via their FSU email account about their summer assignment and the process to request to stay over the break between semesters if they contract by the deadline below.

In order to be eligible to potentially stay during the break between Spring and Summer, students in an apartment-style space for Spring 2025 must contract for Summer A or C housing no later than Thursday, April 3rd, AND submit a binding intent regarding their break plans by the deadline outlined in a subsequent email from the University Housing office shortly after that deadline (FSU email account).

Roommate Requests

Roommates will be placed together on a space available basis, and only if both students have the same contract type, are contracted for the same term (Summer A, B or C), and have mutually requested each other by April 3 (Summer A/C terms) and by May 1 (Summer B term).

Steam Outage

There is a scheduled steam outage for all on-campus buildings taking place between approximately May 3 through May 11, 2025, which will result in no hot water being available on-campus during these dates.


In order to cancel a housing contract for Summer term, a student must not be attending FSU and must drop all summer courses. To cancel, after you have dropped all summer classes, email from your FSU email account and confirm that you will not be enrolling in any summer classes.

Cancellation of the summer housing contract once submitted will only be approved if you provide written notice to the Housing office (via email from your FSU account) that you will not be enrolling in any FSU classes (including online/remote courses) for the selected summer session, and have dropped all classes. If you do cancel and then later re–enroll, the contract obligation may be reinstated and rent charges replaced on your account.

If written notification of non-enrollment is received in the Housing office day up to 5 calendar days prior to the University’s first official class day of the selected summer term, you will forfeit your deposit but incur no additional financial obligation.

If you notify the main Housing office in writing starting 4 calendar days prior to the University’s first official class day for the selected term, you will incur rent charges, regardless of your enrollment status, per the contract terms and conditions.

Hall Opening Dates:

  • Summer A — May 8th at 5pm
  • Summer B — June 20th at 9am
  • Summer C — May 8th at 5pm

Parent/Guardian Contract Consent

Students that submit the online portion of their housing contract and thereby agree to the terms and conditions of the housing contract when under 18 years of age must also have a parent/guardian accept the contract terms and conditions using this form.

NOTE: Completing this form is NOT the same as submitting a housing contract! Students must ALSO submit the housing contract online.


Complete the following steps within 7 days of contract submission:

  1. Download the appropriate form below and open in your PDF reader (i.e. Adobe Reader).
  2. Fill out fields on the form in your PDF reader (if available).
  3. Print and sign (student and parent) the form–electronic/typed signatures are not acceptable.
  4. Return form using one of these methods:
    • Scan/photograph signed document so it can be legibly read and email to with "Parent Guardian Contract Consent" in the subject line (Preferred Method)
    • Fax signed document to (850) 644-7997

If a Parent/Guardian Contract Consent is not received for a contract period (i.e. Summer, Fall/Spring, Spring) within 7 days of contract submission, the student's housing contract may be cancelled.

Signature Forms

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Division of Student Affairs at Florida State University


University Housing Department
part of the Division of Student Affairs
109 Askew Student Life Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Hours: M - F  9 a.m. - 4 p.m.