University Housing Florida State University
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Guest Visitation Policy

Each residence hall is designated as Self-Regulated visitation. Visitation is defined as periodic visits by a guest and does not include cohabitation. A guest is defined as someone who is not assigned to the residence hall room, suite, apartment, or residence hall in which that person is located.

Visitation determines when and if residents may have guests in their rooms. Visitors are permitted during specified hours only in accordance with Housing visitation policies and the roommate/suitemate agreement. Visitation may be revoked for individuals or groups in living units where continued violations of the agreed upon limitations to visitation on the roommate agreement occur.

Visitation Options

Visitation within student rooms, including hours when visitation is permitted, is determined by mutual agreement among roommates at the beginning of the year and whenever occupancy of the room changes. Roommates have the right to refuse guest in their room (for safety or any other reasons).

Self–Regulated Visitation

  • All residence halls and on-campus apartments have self-regulated visitation.
  • This option allows guests to visit, if agreed to in the roommate agreement.

Guest Policies

Guests are permitted in the halls only at the request of residents, who then become responsible for the conduct of their visitors. Guests must remain in the company of their resident host throughout their visit and must be escorted at all times. All guests must abide by university and hall regulations applicable to the resident host. The presence of guests of either gender shall not deny access or entry into the living unit, nor shall visitation cause any undue hardship on any other resident of the room, suite, or apartment. A guest in a room or residence hall is any individual who does not have a current housing assignment in that room or residence hall. In addition, residents of a particular hall are considered guests when visiting with another student within the same residence hall.

Guest Entry

All entrances to residence halls are locked twenty-four hours a day. Telephones at the main entrance of each hall allow guests to call their host or the residence hall front office to enter the hall.

Overnight Guests

Residents may have overnight guests in the halls with the permission of their roommate(s) and suitemate(s). Guests may not stay for more than three days in any 30-day period without written permission from the Residence Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator. Cohabitation is not permitted in any residence hall.

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Division of Student Affairs at Florida State University


University Housing Department
part of the Division of Student Affairs
109 Askew Student Life Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Hours: M - F  9 a.m. - 4 p.m.